The International Olympiad in Foreign Languages among students of non-linguistic specialties (ISOFL)
at MIREA – Russian Technological University has been held since 2020. The main goal of the Olympiad is to instill both agile and creative mindset towards mastering foreign language learning competencies within theprofessional training programme.The Olympiad welcomes participants in English, German and French.
About Us
The International Olympiad in Foreign Languages among students of non-linguistic specialties (ISOFL) at MIREA – Russian Technological University has been held since 2020. The main goal of the Olympiad is to instill both agile and creative mindset towards mastering foreign language learning competencies within the professional training programme. The Olympiad welcomes participants in English, German and French.
The Olympiad is held in two rounds. The first round is carried out in the written form remotely. The second round is held in a hybrid format. Representatives of Moscow universities participate in the 2nd round in person, while representatives from other cities and countries may participate remotely.
1 round – Combined assignment: Reading, listening and lexical-grammatical test (remotely).
2 round – Speaking assignment at RTU MIREA/remotely. Closing ceremony. Summing up the results of the International Olympiad.
As a team round of the Olympiad we expect group of students to create a 2.5-3 minutes video clip on a given subject.
The main goals and objectives of the Olympiad are as follows:
Adoption of active creative attitude to mastering the relevant competences in the field of foreign language.
Aiding the development and realisation of creative and personal potential of students in solving professional tasks.
Overall improvement of students’ skills and abilities in their professional field.
Instilling into the students the need for self-education and autonomy, as well as the ability of self-diagnosis and self-correction in the field of foreign language.
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Calendar: Upcoming events
1 round
8 April 202510.00 - 11.00
Combined assignment: Reading, listening and lexical-grammatical test (remotely).
2 round
15 April 202510.00 - 14.00
Speaking part at RTU MIREA/remotely.
15 April 202516.00
Closing ceremony. Summing up the results of the International Olympiad.
As a team round of the Olympiad we expect group of students to create a 2.5-3 minutes video clip on the following subject:“The University of Today — one happy, big academic Family with unfailing support, guidance and encouragement at its heart.”
Video Guidelines:
- time limit – 2.5-3 minutes;
- videos must be filmed/conducted in a foreign language (English, German, French);
- the title of the video must include the name of the university;
- each member of the team must appear in the video.
The participants are given only one attempt to complete the tasks in round 1 of the Olympiad. Hence, all participants of the Olympiad must ensure that proper technical equipment is installed at their location (a laptop, a tablet, or computer, as well as a stable Internet connection/consistent signal).
Memorable gifts to Winners and prize winners
2 место

Wireless headphones
3 место

Smart Speaker
Memorable gifts for team round (video clip)
External powerbank
- Winner diploma(1st degree diploma holder)
- Prize winner diploma (2nd degree diploma holder)
- Prize winner diploma (3rd degree diploma holder)
- Participant diploma
-Thank you letter

Rules of participation
The International Olympiad in Foreign Languages among students of non-linguistic specialties invites qualifying rounds (held at local universities) winners and prize-winners or participants recommended by the degree-granting departments of the corresponding professional training programmes. Participants must be full-time students and under the age of 25 at the time of the Olympiad.
The Olympiad invites higher education students of non-linguistic specialties - no more than 5 participants in total and no more than 3 participants representing one language from each educational organization. It is advisable to introduce participants representing English, German and French.
The Olympiad is held in two rounds. The assignments correspond to the advanced level of foreign language proficiency on the European scale (C1). The first round is carried out in the written form (remotely) in English, German and French respectively. The first round is a combined assignment (reading, listening and lexical-grammatical test). The second round is held among the winners and prize-winners based on the results of the previous round. It tests the participants’ speaking skills in a hybrid format (in person/remotely). Representatives of Moscow universities participate in the 2nd round in person, while representatives from other cities and countries may participate remotely.
The Organizing Committee of the Olympiad

Kudzh S.A.

Petushkov G.V.
Vice Rector RTU MIREA

Kovaleva A.N.
Head of the Department Management

Chernova N.I.
Head of the Department of Foreign Languages

Osliakova I.V.
Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages

Shovgenin A.N.
Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages
Address:The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "MIREA - Russian Technological University" (RTU MIREA), 119454, Moscow, Prospekt Vernadskogo, 78